Here are some painting shows that open tonight that I will be seeing. Any suggestion of painting shows opening would be helpful. There are so many openings tonight I can't keep it all straight. Thanks. Maybe I will see you tonight. Congrats to everyone opening a show.
Brian Calvin's new work looks good. I wish I was in NYC to see it.
I like this clawhoof painting. The horse's fur looks sweaty, coated in stable mire. The cat, literary. If hoof battled claw, breasts would win. Breasts always win.
this sort of article is fluff, but it points out the attempts to differentiate indivuduals from the crowd. TO create (manufacture) originality in a sea of derivation.
Allison is au currant, no doubt, but her sort of Karen Kilimnik dealio is done to death and not in a regional charming sort of way - same goes for Nicole Maynard.
Maybe its different outside of NY, but I cant figure out how to get the exploding collar off.
BTW - in that article it features Jennifer Steinkamp, who is APROPRIATING canned software effects.
In the same way JS is APPROPRIATING A COMEDIC TONE which is not anyone's property, but should be addressed with regards to her ouvre. Does she KNOW shes part of a long TRADITION OF COMEDIANS?
SHe must - and therefore we must conclude she has an AGENDA.
Marcia Tucker, from Bad Painting 1978: "The freedom with which these artists mix classical and popular art-historical sources, kitsch and traditional images, archetypal and personal fantasies, constitutes a rejection of the concept of progress per se. . . . It would seem that, without a specific idea of progress toward a goal, the traditional means of valuing and validating works of art are useless. Bypassing the idea of progress implies an extraordinary freedom to do and to be whatever you want. In part, this is one of the most appealing aspects of "bad" painting - that the ideas of good and bad are flexible and subject to both the immediate and the larger context in which the work is seen."
Not to flog a dead horse, Im more into seal clubbing myself.
blogs are interesting formats, yes, and as far as mediums go, blogs are successful because they further extend the transparency that the internet first proposed, developed and revolutionized. The problem with the site you posted is that it practices the exact opposite. Couldn't find any usefulness in it, let alone a place to post, explore and exploit. (i gave it 20 seconds).
Please tell your organization to re-read Jakob Nielsen's books for a lesson on why transparency is so *key* to a successful medium.
It is ironic, though, that here is a group so involved with the virtual -- yet committed to the physical. In essence -- the future of the book remains on paper. (well until we come up an interface better than iTunes/Audible.
The Sasnal image is a little slower, better--a less junk OMG-production read. I'm dreaming better 'ism' or better canvas/cavonous dichotomy where junk and the steam obliterate each other--the twist of apéritif--where the after-the-night-swizzle gets found--in pocket.
I noticed the twist back of the head to meet some structure concern and painting sense (nice). The scratchy cat is scratchy pulling a scratchy hole in the image picture plane (clever). Next time. probably, it's better to pull the whole deal off--or the next time after that!
If horoscopes are read right, there's good possibility ahead--if not hard liquor!
Robert Feintuch at CRG Gallery,
Greg Bogin-at Leo Koenig, Inc.,
Wendy White at Sixtyseven
Brian Calvin + Jim Lambie at Anton Kern,
Here are some painting shows that open tonight that I will be seeing.
Any suggestion of painting shows opening would be helpful. There are so many openings tonight I can't keep it all straight. Thanks. Maybe I will see you tonight. Congrats to everyone opening a show.
Kalm James considering the figures in this painting sex stuff would be pretty wrong. Rothenberg?
I think KJ was arguing FOR sex. I agree. Rothenberg has sex, right? Anthropomorphized horses?
Wild Horses?
Not my dealio Im not into the rolling stones, maybe just Paint it black.
Hoof vs claw!
That horse has nooooo chance.
Brian Calvin's new work looks good. I wish I was in NYC to see it.
I like this clawhoof painting. The horse's fur looks sweaty, coated in stable mire. The cat, literary. If hoof battled claw, breasts would win. Breasts always win.
coming up with your own ideas is hard work.
this sort of article is fluff, but it points out the attempts to differentiate indivuduals from the crowd.
TO create (manufacture) originality in a sea of derivation.
Allison is au currant, no doubt, but her sort of Karen Kilimnik dealio is done to death and not in a regional charming sort of way - same goes for Nicole Maynard.
Maybe its different outside of NY, but I cant figure out how to get the exploding collar off.
BTW - in that article it features Jennifer Steinkamp, who is APROPRIATING canned software effects.
In the same way JS is APPROPRIATING A COMEDIC TONE which is not anyone's property, but should be addressed with regards to her ouvre. Does she KNOW shes part of a long TRADITION OF COMEDIANS?
SHe must - and therefore we must conclude she has an AGENDA.
Dont fall asleep.
looks like the kitty is rideing the horse, and the horse does not seem to be bucking.
Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, couldnt drag me away
In a way, dont we anthropomorphize paintings? It has a skin, a skeleton, and its about my height. Lets get it on.
martin had this link on his site
Martin has a leak in his ceiling that looks like Jesus. Dont we all, in some way?
You will no doubt recall:
Marcia Tucker, from Bad Painting 1978: "The freedom with which these artists mix classical and popular art-historical sources, kitsch and traditional images, archetypal and personal fantasies, constitutes a rejection of the concept of progress per se. . . . It would seem that, without a specific idea of progress toward a goal, the traditional means of valuing and validating works of art are useless. Bypassing the idea of progress implies an extraordinary freedom to do and to be whatever you want. In part, this is one of the most appealing aspects of "bad" painting - that the ideas of good and bad are flexible and subject to both the immediate and the larger context in which the work is seen."
Not to flog a dead horse,
Im more into seal clubbing myself.
daddy, the horsie ated my cat
love cats
alex. this is best served as space to try to understand the image at hand.
blogs are interesting formats, yes, and
as far as mediums go, blogs are successful
because they further extend the transparency
that the internet first proposed, developed
and revolutionized. The problem with the
site you posted is that it practices the exact
opposite. Couldn't find any usefulness in it,
let alone a place to post, explore and exploit.
(i gave it 20 seconds).
Please tell your organization to re-read
Jakob Nielsen's books for a lesson on why
transparency is so *key* to a successful medium.
It is ironic, though, that here is a group
so involved with the virtual -- yet committed
to the physical. In essence -- the future of the
book remains on paper. (well until we come up
an interface better than iTunes/Audible.
Until then, ruminate, if you will
on the cat.
The Sasnal image is a little slower, better--a less junk OMG-production read.
I'm dreaming better 'ism' or better canvas/cavonous dichotomy where junk and the steam obliterate each other--the twist of apéritif--where the after-the-night-swizzle gets found--in pocket.
I noticed the twist back of the head to meet some structure concern and painting sense (nice). The scratchy cat is scratchy pulling a scratchy hole in the image picture plane (clever). Next time. probably, it's better to pull the whole deal off--or the next time after that!
If horoscopes are read right, there's good possibility ahead--if not hard liquor!
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